Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gun Control Laws

Throughout the decades, guns have become more and more a part of life, all over the world. Guns are all around us. Both of which, crooks and law-abiding citizens, possess. The nation is trying to rid of the public possessing guns, in order to reduce violent crimes. However, if you take guns away from civilians, they no longer have the ability to protect themselves against a gun-wielding criminal. Thus, giving criminals more reason and logic to use a gun against an innocent person. There are many people that have no desire to touch or even own a gun, and for that reason, leads them to believe that guns are not needed for the public. Gun control is very important, and for that reason, guns should not be handed out to anyone and everyone. At the same time, I believe that if a person has a clean criminal background, he or she should be allowed the right to bear arms.


  1. I have 2 points I think are relevant to your post. First, those with criminal backgrounds are already, legally denied the right to purchase and own certain types of guns. The problem is that these people are the very people who will purchase and wield guns illegally. Something has to be done about the underground black market for firearms. I don't pretend to know what to do about the issue, but there has to be something the lawmakers can do.
    This leads me to my second point. I think that the gun manufacturers should not be able to sell certain types of guns to the aveage consumer. I know that there are already laws in place to limit gun consumption, but what is wrong with limiting assault rifles and other semi-automatic weapons in the same way we limit certain cars from driving the streets. I fully realize that a "street-illegal" car is easier to spot than a concealed gun, and that law enforcement would have to keep their eyes peeled, but maybe this enforcement will cause some positive changes.

  2. I think that even if you have a clean background and are a law-abiding citizen a gun in your possession can still be dangerous for yourself and others. For example look no further than Plaxico Buress of the NFL. In Plaxico’s case he was carrying a fire arm with the intent to protect himself and nothing more. Unfortunately he dropped the gun and when attempting to regain control of it he shot himself in the leg. You have to ask the question what if instead of himself he shoots any other random person around him and takes there life. I do agree citizen that are victims of violent crimes should be able to protect themselves, but maybe there is a safer alternative that is nonlethal.

  3. I agree with you that not everyone should be allowed to have possession of a fire arm. They do have laws to enforce that anyone with a criminal background can not go into a public store and purchase a fire arm. The only problem with that is the criminal already knows that he will not be able to do it. They go out onto the streets and buy these fire arms illegally. Which in reality is not helping the whole situation of stopping any criminals from getting a fire arm. I believe that now-a-days everyone needs to own a fire arm just to protect themselves from home invasions or self defense. Wouldn't it make more sense?
